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Professor Dr. Mona Hanna, Obstetrics and Gynecology Consultant, talks about family planning and its importance to the individual and society

Organization means planning for the future, and the family is the basic unit of human existence and the nucleus of society

So this concept means that the family can plan the timing of the birth of children, their number, and the period of time that passes between each child and the next, at the appropriate time for them and appropriate to their health, social, and economic status, with the spacing between each pregnancy and the next at least between 3 and 5 years to ensure the health of the mother and the child. Using modern methods of family planning as safe and effective

Family planning does not mean preventing birth, but it means giving birth to the appropriate number of children at the appropriate time (spacing between one pregnancy and the next to the extent that allows the woman to regain her health and her ability to care for her family

It may mean postponing the first pregnancy until the wife finishes her education, if the marriage took place before the wife completed her education, or until the economic conditions of the couple improve after preparing for marriage.


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