Creating an account with EKSHIFLY Mobile application is easy ! Simply click on the "Sign Up" button on the homepage, fill in the required information, and you'll have your account ready in no time.
Creating an account with EKSHIFLY website is easy! Simply click on the "Sign Up" or " Login " button on the homepage, fill in the required information, and you'll have your account ready in no time.
No, signing up and using EKSHIFLY's platform to book appointments is completely free. You only pay for the medical services received during your appointment.
To book an appointment, first, log in to your EKSHIFLY account. Then, choose your preferred branch, select your desired doctor, and pick an available time slot that suits your schedule. Click "Book Appointment," and you're all set!
Yes, you can easily change or cancel your appointment through your EKSHIFLY account. However, please be considerate and notify us at least 24 hours in advance if you need to reschedule or cancel to allow other patients to book that slot.
If you encounter any technical difficulties or have trouble navigating the website, don't worry! Reach out to our 24/7 customer support team through our helpline or email, and we'll assist you promptly.
Yes, your feedback is valuable to us. After your appointment, you'll have the opportunity to leave a review and rate your experience with the doctor. Your feedback helps us maintain the highest standards of service.
EKSHIFLY cooperates with a diverse network of doctors in various specialties and medical services. While we strive to provide a comprehensive range of services, the availability of certain specialties may vary according to the branch you have chosen and the type of medical service required.
Yes ... you can take advantage of the services of EKSHIFLY in any of the governorates of Egypt, which are working to cover it. One of the providers of health care services in the various governorates
Testimonials and recommendations by doctors and users of the website and EKSHIFLY application
< Sales supervisor EKSHIFLY >
I am very happy to be a member of the Ekshifly team work
< Sales Rep. EKSHIFLY >
im too happy
< احد مستخدمي خدمات اكشفلي >
A new category in the medical field to provide the best high-quality medical care services in Upper Egypt
< Sales Rep. EKSHIFLY >
Because your time and health are the two most important assets in your life, EKSHIFLY will nominate for you a group of the best doctors, pharmacists and specialists in Egypt from where you are. # With Reveal, you are in the heart💚
< Sales Rep. EKSHIFLY >
Your medical guide to a better healthy life
< Sales Rep. EKSHIFLY >
Because your health is important to us, EKSHIFLY your guide to the best elite of distinguished doctors
< طبيب أسنان >
The idea is very useful for developing the Medical system
< طبيبة أطفال >
* The idea is excellent * The service offers are interesting and professional offers for services , the visit is organized and excellent
< طبيب أسنان >
The idea is Beautiful and Encouraging
< طبيب أمراض المخ والأعصاب >
Excellent idea, and there is no objection to using it in a correct way that is appropriate for every doctor and every clinic system
< استشاري نساء وولادة >
The idea is good, but please make easy financial plans that will help facilitate commitment to payment and follow up on the desired results from the advertisement
< أستشاري النساء والتوليد >
Beautiful and wonderful idea. We hope that the application , website will spread. We hope that we will provide free offers to doctors in the beginning until the application is successful and widespread with users.
< استاذ الجراحة العامة >
Great idea for spreading, Ensuring that all medical services are available to the patient in one application and website
< طبيب أسنان >
A good idea, and good luck
< طبيب القلب والأوعية الدموية >
Excellent idea that is recommended for ease of interaction between doctor and the patient
< طبيب أسنان >
Excellent idea that gives the patient many options to ensure the best service at the best price
< طبيب النساء والتوليد >
Beautiful idea , But needs adjustments to the dealing policy With each doctor different from the other, to increase the spread of the website and the application as quickly as possible, while activating offers that benefit the Patient
< طبيب جراحات العظام >
Idea is excellent and helps provide good service to the patient with easy communication with the treating doctor via the website and the application
< طبيب أسنان >
Idea is excellent and easy to use. I hope the idea will expand
< طبيب جراحات العظام >
Idea is very good and helps the patient reach the doctor faster and learn good medical information in an easier way
< طبيب الجراحات العامة >
God grant you success and spread throughout the country
< طبيب النساء والتوليد >
Website and application are very useful and good luck always
< طبيب أسنان >
Idea is good and requires a lot of effort
< استشاري عيون >
Excellent idea and I very much welcome it in the midst of the age of the Internet and artificial intelligence, but I would like to see its impact on the ground more... Thank you for your understanding and interest.
< طبيب أمراض النساء والتوليد >
Excellent idea. We hope for serious continuation and good luck, God willing
< طبيب المخ والأعصاب والطب النفسي >
Idea of the website and application is unique and greatly facilitates the interaction between doctors and patients
< Neurosurgery >
Good Idea For Our Community
< طبيب الباطنة والقلب >
Good idea for communication and advertising
< طبيب باطنة عامة >
Success program and website for doctor and patient
< طبيب العصبية والنفسية >
Good idea, website and app for good advertising
< طبيب جلدية >
Great idea that saves people time and effort in reaching the right doctor without hassle
< Chest diseases >
Good idea
< طبيب اسنان >
Pricing policy is very appropriate, the difference in accounts is beautiful, the presentation method is very adequate, and the profile picture is clear
< استشاري الحقن المجهري واطفال الانابيب وجراحات المناظير >
Very good idea
< طبيب النساء والتوليد >
Beautiful idea in the era of digital transformation.. but the important thing is to preserve and develop it.. and God willing, you will lead it.
< طبيب اسنان >
Beautiful idea that helps reach a larger number of customers. A professional and organized work team
< استشاري الجراحة العامة والأورام >
Good idea to facilitate patients’ access to medical clinics and reservations without hassle, as well as learning about the different activities of the doctor
< طبيب العصبية والنفسية >
Of course, it is an excellent idea that allows the doctor to find the appropriate specialty in the shortest time
< استشاري جراحة ومناظير بولية >
Excellent idea. We hope for more distinguished services for doctors
< استشاري طب وجراحة العيون >
Good idea to provide distinguished medical service
< طبيب الروماتيزم >
Pioneering idea in the near future, with the hope of continuing to present ideas and reaching all families and individuals. The presentation of the idea was very good and called for serious thinking about the subject.
< طبيب أسنان >
Unique and completely new idea that is worth trying and will be a new addition to the world of medical media
< طبيبة الجهاز الهضمي والكبد >
Great effort that covered all the difficulties we encounter in using electronic advertising
< طبيب الأمراض الصدرية والحساسية >
Idea is excellent and allows the patient to choose the appropriate doctor according to his illness, and the treatment is clear and aims to serve the patient and provide good medical service and care
< طبيب الحالات الحرجة والقلب >
Excellent idea and the package prices are good
< طبيبة جهاز هضمي وكبد والأمراض المتوطنة >
Idea is excellent, through which it can serve the patient and the citizen, and the package offers are valuable
< GP >
Beautiful and useful idea that makes it very easy for the doctor and patient