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Dr. Sahar Ali Youssef .. Talks about Cervicitis: symptoms, causes, and treatment

Cervicitis: symptoms, causes, and treatment
What is cervicitis?

It is an inflammation of the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina. It can be caused by an infection or another condition.

What are the symptoms of cervicitis?

Abnormal vaginal discharge: These discharge may be white, yellow, gray, or green, may be thick or thin, and may have an unpleasant odor.
Vaginal bleeding between menstrual periods or after intercourse.
Pain during intercourse.
Feeling pain or pressure in the pelvis.
Pain when urinating.
Feeling itchy in the vagina.
What are the causes of cervicitis?

Sexually transmitted diseases: such as chlamydia, genital herpes, and gonorrhea.
Sensitivity to certain things: such as douching and condoms.
Bacterial vaginosis.
Non-infectious cervicitis: caused by a defect in the immune system.
Childbirth or miscarriage.
How is cervicitis diagnosed?

Vaginal examination: The doctor examines the cervix for signs of inflammation.
Pap smear: A sample of cervical cells is taken for testing in a laboratory.
Blood tests: to detect sexually transmitted diseases.
How is cervicitis treated?

Antibiotics: to treat bacterial infections.
Antiviral medications: to treat viral infections.
Anti-inflammatory medications: to relieve pain and inflammation.
Hormone therapy: to treat non-infectious cervicitis

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